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What's a care passport?

What's a care passport?


October 4, 2023

Within Hibi, you’ll find an easily shareable, digital care passport.

A care passport is an effective way to share an overview of your child, who they are, and their needs. They are recommended for use by the NHS and various healthcare organisations so that important information about your child’s care is shared.

Care passports before Hibi were paper documents. You would find templates as word documents for youto print out and fill in. They would regularly be lost, or families wouldn’t have them with them when they are needed. We need something better to make use of these important documents, and that’s why we builtcare passports as a core feature of Hibi.

With the Hibi app, your care passport sits in your pocket 24/7 as an easily shareable piece of key information. You will be prompted within the app to complete the care passport (customising it as you please). Once it is set up, you can then share whenever you want in just a couple clicks. That might be when meeting a new teacher at school, a new care assistant, doctor, babysitter, etc.

We know how important is for those around your child to know your child and their story, and we built this feature in Hibi to help this.