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Share your journal with ease

Share your journal with ease


June 6, 2024

Hibi's Export Journal feature allows you to easily export your Hibi journal entries as a PDF file, making it simple to share information with healthcare providers, therapists, or teachers.

Choose what information you want to share and with whom. Select specific date ranges, filter by trackers, and even choose between a simple or advanced export option.

Here's how you can export your journal:

1. Go to the Journal tab in the Hibi app

  1. Click on the Settings button in the top right corner

  2. Select Export journal option on the journal settings menu

  3. Choose between the "Basic" or "Advanced" export option: the latter option lets you select specific dates and filters for a more customized export

  4. Press the Export button at the bottom

  5. Your journal will be exported as a PDF file, which you can then share with others

    Exporting your journal provides a comprehensive overview of your child's health and progress to the people who need to see it. Whether you're sharing symptom trackers with a healthcare provider or appointment notes with a teacher, Hibi makes it easy to keep everyone on the same page.

    The Export Journal feature facilitates better communication and collaboration between families and the professionals who support them. We encourage you to explore this feature and see how it can work for you.

    As always, we welcome your thoughts, questions, and feedback. Feel free to reach out to us at hello@hibi.health.